cunts / Demo 2021

New arrival

¥ 800 税込

item code: BYW003


  1. Extreme chaos

format:CD/ Beside of Your Wife / NEW

Metamorphosis high-speed noise core cunts by only Drum and Voice Released a new recording CD for the first time in a year and a half. In addition, about 8 minutes of pencil slaughter with a two-wheeled vehicle that shook off the Trash meter !! Recorded by UCGM's dotphob and ENDON's Koki Miyabe, it says “DEMO”, but it's actually “Demom”. Demon trash noise R’n R !!

DrumとVoiceのみによる変態高速ノイズコアcunts一年半ぶりの新録銀盤をリリース。さらにTrash meterを振り切った2輪車による鉛筆殺戮音塊約8分!! UCGMのdotphobとENDONのKoki Miyabeによる録音で、DEMOとは書かれているが、そんなもんじゃない。本当はDemon。Demon trash noise R’nR!!