Astro, Galactic Abyss / Live At Niman-Denatsu
¥ 1,000 税込
item code: TT124
format : Cassette / Trapdoor Tapes / NEW
"Galactic Abyss" is a hallucination quartet by Bass by Chiyo Kamekawa and Shizuo Uchida, Guitar by Hiroshi Hasegawa, and Violin by Rohco. A live recording of the explosion sound psychedelic improv Jam that makes all the sounds swell into a hollow mass. ASTRO is an acoustic alchemy in which field recording, electronics, and the layer of noise by violin make a strange landscape appear in front of you. The sound image full of thrilling speed unique to live recording is good. Limited to 100 copies.
亀川千代・内田静男のBass、Hiroshi HasegawaのGuitar、RohcoのViolinによる幻覚四重奏団”Galactic Abyss”。すべての音がうねる音の塊となって中空を滑腔する爆音サイケデリックインプロJamを、ライブ録音で収録。ASTROは、フィールドレコーディングとエレクトロニクス、そしてviolinによるノイズの重層が目の前に見知らぬ風景を現出させる音響錬金術。ライブ録音ならではのスリリングなスピード感あふれる音像がgood。限定100本。