Various / Bad Alchemy Nr 5
¥ 1,800 税込
item code: Nr 5
format : Booklet+Cassette / Bad Alchemy / USED
disc : M— / cover : M—
German magazine "Bad Alchemy" specializing in experimental music, improvisation and strange music. Each issue comes with a cassette. This issue's cassette includes Rick Potts / Joseph Hammer, The Motor Totemist Guild, SBOTHI / P16.D4, Biota, Proof Of Utah Assorted Music For Holy Cows, The Deep Freeze Mice, Günter Müller, Includes Marina Lapalma, Rimarimba, Lars Rudolph / Guy De Bievre, Mixed Band Philanthropist, Semantics. The 52-page magazine has articles about The Deep Freeze Mice, P16.D4, Thinking Plague, and LAYLAH. It is German. Biota, Günter Müller, Rimarimba, Lars Rudolph / Guy De Bievre, Mixed Band Philanthropist tracks good!
実験音楽、即興、ストレンジミュージックに特化したドイツの雑誌”Bad Alchemy”。毎号カセットが付属していて、この5号には、Rick Potts / Joseph Hammer, The Motor Totemist Guild, S.B.O.T.H.I. / P16.D4, Biota, Proof Of Utah Assorted Music For Holy Cows, The Deep Freeze Mice, Günter Müller, Marina Lapalma, Rimarimba, Lars Rudolph / Guy De Bievre, Mixed Band Philanthropist, Semanticsを収録。52ページのマガジンでは、The Deep Freeze MiceやP16.D4、Thinking Plague、LAYLAHについての記事などあり。ドイツ語です。Biota、Günter Müller 、Rimarimba、Lars Rudolph / Guy De Bievre, Mixed Band Philanthropistのトラック良い!