Lowfat / Too Big Slaves!
¥ 500 税込
item code: no number
format : CDR / Self-released / NEW
LowFat is a band which formation by mixed Japanese and Thai. They are center being of local scene, based in Bangkok. A 22 track CDR selected from "Too Big Target!" "Hello, My Slaves!". A hard-pressing hardcore with a tight rhythm and a melodic and fast killer riff. A printing cover, CDR with board printing. Young Person's Guide to the Lowfat!
日泰混成、バンコクを拠点に活動する、ローカルシーンの中心的Hardcore punk band・LowFat。「Too Big Target!」と「Hello, My Slaves!」の2枚のアルバムからチョイスされた22トラック入りCDR。タイトなリズムにメロディックでファストなキラーリフがざくざく切り込む激圧ハードコア!盤面プリントありのCDRに印刷カバー。Young Person's Guide to the Lowfat!