NEW WORLD / Die in eden 桃源郷デ死ネ
¥ 1,000 税込
item code: 死の七
format : cassette / Shit-Eye Cassettes / NEW
NEW WORLD formed by Tama in Tokyo when WORLD was suspended in 2013. After several member changes, the base of activities was moved to Osaka, Die suck (ex-Cycheouts, ex-EGO FIX, EAR TAKER) and Jose (ex-CORRUPTED) are join. Far north
violence fissure grindcore NEW WORLD's “die In eden” is a new release by cassette only.
Just like GRAND OSAKA's legendary WORLD which has revived a miracle in 2018, it is a special formation of 2 vocal + drum, No strings, but a black lump of noise is emitted to a vector different from WORLD 12 minutes One track. The eerie silence for a few minutes before the start of the song makes me feel the danger of my eardrum.
Same track on both sides. Limited to 200 copies.
2013年 WORLD休止時にTamaが東京にて結成。数回のメンバーチェンジ後、活動拠点を大阪に移しex-サイケアウツ、ex-EGO FIX、現EAR TAKERのDie suck氏、ex-CORRUPTEDのJose氏と邂逅。極北暴烈グラインドコア・NEW WORLDの新作 “die in eden” がカセットリリース。
2018年に奇跡の復活を遂げたGRIND OSAKAの伝説・WORLDと同じく、2vocal+ drumというNo strings 編成の特殊編成でありながら、WORLDとは別のベクトルへと真っ黒なノイズの塊が放射される12分ワントラック。曲のスタート前の数分の不気味な静寂がその後の鼓膜の危機を予感させる。両面同内容。200本限定。