cunts / Beautiful Hole
¥ 1,000 税込
item code: BOYW001
format : CD / Beside of Your Wife / NEW
cunts's first full album "Beautiful Hole" is now on CD.This is a masterpiece to engrave in soul that was released on cassette in 2015 and sold out immediately.
27minutes of drum'n'voice HELL. Abnormality fast noisecore Break the road of nirvana..
This release is most important masterpiece for Rock'n'Roll for 25th century!!!
cunts make real noisecore by Drum and Voice only.
以前カセットでリリースされていて即完売した銘作・cunts初のフルアルバム”Beautiful Hole”がCD化!!!DrumとVoiceのみによる変態高速ノイズコアが涅槃への道をぶち壊す27分。25世紀のためのmasterpiece for Rock'n'Roll!!