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MAIMAO《Arbeiter und Lambada》
cassette 45min (with download code )
The fifth work of MAIMAO, a string improvisational duet that sometimes thinks about repetitive labor and the pleasure of liberation, and sometimes doesn't think about it at all, has been leaked. MAIMAO, the speed desert manic-depression paradise duo of Kyosuke Terada (6 strings) and Shizuo Uchida (4 strings) secretly produced this as a bomb to drop on their Kansai tour. A cassette and data release containing 3 tracks of improvised live takes and a remix by Yousuke Fuyama. Mastering is handled by Nobuki Nishiyama. Includes bonus tracks only on cassette. Download code included.
繰り返す労働、そして解放の快楽を考えたり、全く考えなかったりする弦楽即興二重奏・MAIMAOの5作目が漏れた。テラダ キョウスケ (guitar)と内田静男 (bass)によるスピード砂漠躁鬱人災天国DuoであるMAIMAOが、関西ツアーの投下爆弾として極秘に制作。即興ライブテイク3トラックにYousuke Fuyama氏のリミックスを収録したカセットとデータでのリリース。マスタリングはNobuki Nishiyama氏が手掛ける。カセットのみにおまけトラックを収録。ダウンロードコード付属。

冨田秀康 Hideyasu Tomita《sign》
cassette 56min (with download code )
Released the first sound source of improvisational guitarist Hideyasu Tomita on a cassette. Download code included. Hideyasu Tomita has been improvising guitar since around 2002, and has been playing mainly Duo "Taifu no me (Eyes of Typhoon)" with dancer Rieko Shiina since 2012. And from 2020, he has started his solo guitar activities and been playing around Koenji 4th once a month. Download code included.
即興ギタリスト冨田秀康のファースト音源をカセットでリリース。フリーやアヴァンギャルドといった枠に属さない、孤立無常のギターソロ作品。ダウンロードコード付属。 冨田秀康は2002年頃よりギターの即興演奏をはじめ、2012年よりダンサー椎名利惠子とのDuo「台風の目」を中心に演奏活動を行なっている。そして2020年から本格的にギターのみによるソロ活動も開始。高円寺4thを中心に月一回のペースで演奏を行なっている。

MAIMAO《Folk dope rally》
cassette 25 min (with download code )
MAI MAO second album is here. MAI MAO is a high-speed curved transition string improvisation duo by Kyosuke Terada (guitar) and Shizuo Uchida (bass). Two gentle beasts carries an acid and dope rally in a black hole of sound. The sounding feather bugs that run around at the speed of a second tickle the back of your ears and manipulate your life. Includes 3 improvised live take tracks. Release on cassette and data. The cassette contains the same track on both sides. Download code included.
MAI MAO セカンドアルバムが登場。MAI MAOは、テラダ キョウスケ (guitar)と内田静男 (bass)による高低速湾曲転移弦楽即興二重奏Duo。まさにアシッドでドープなラリーを、音のブラックホールで運び合う優しい獣二人。秒速で駆け回る響きの羽虫が耳奥を擽り、人生を操ります。即興ライブテイク3トラックを収録。カセットとデータでのリリース。カセットは両面に同じトラックを収録。ダウンロードコード付属。

cassette 51 min (with download code )
"archeus" is a free improvised group of Keiko Higuchi on vocals, Shizuo Uchida on bass, and TOMO on hurdy gurdy.
Extraordinary trio ensemble of vocal/voice, bass, and hurdy gurdy triggers an unique chemical reaction of various expressions such as sensitive sound within silence, vocalization of a forgotten and nameless language, interplay of discordant masses of sound, the magic of minimal repetition, and dark/dense drones.
They also attempt to improvise with text readings. It is as if the words are given resonance, and appear as a spirit, then seem to melt with the sound.
This is a striking debut work of studio recording with instantaneous performances.
Includes 4 studio improvised tracks with download code.
ヒグチケイコ(vocals)、内田静男(bass)、TOMO(hurdy gurdy)によって結成されたグループ、arcehus(アルケウス)。

MAI MAO《Curvature improvement plan》
cassette 29 min (with download code )
High and low speed curved transition string improvisation duo by Kyosuke terada (guitar) and Shizuo Uchida (bass). From sit-down comedy to emotional molecular catchball, an unconscious rally that sympathizes between density and space of two people work together in one body. Contains 3 tracks of improvised live recording takes. Release with cassette and data. Same track is recorded on both sides. A download code is included with the cassette.
テラダ キョウスケ (guitar)と内田静男 (bass)による高低速湾曲転移弦楽即興二重奏Duo。シットダウンコメディーからエモーショナルな分子のキャッチボールへ、二人羽織の密と間で交感する無意識のラリー。即興ライブテイク3トラックを収録。カセットとデータでのリリース。カセットは両面に同じトラックを収録。ダウンロードコード付属。

cassette 27 min (with download code )
A live album of Duo unit "UH" by Takayuki Hashimoto (alto saxophone) and Shizuo Uchida (bass). Uncut recording of the performance performed in Morgana on 8 Feb 2020. Because of the audience recording, the audience's voice and noise in the hall are also included, making it highly realistic. 27 minutes of being in a vacuum state intertwined sounds that have a sharp tension and hardcore. Same track is recorded on both sides. Limited edition of 50 copies. Cassettes with download code.
橋本孝之 (alto saxophone) と内田静男(bass)のDuoユニット「UH(ユー)」のライブアルバム。2020.2.8にモルガーナにて行われた演奏をノーカット収録。オーディエンス録音のため、観客の声や場内のノイズなども入って臨場感高し。hardcoreで鋭い緊張感を持つ音が絡み合い、真空状態のままの27分。両面に同じトラックを収録。ダウンロードコード 付き、50部限定カセット。

《Electric Meditation-Live materials 2015-2017》
cassette 68 min (with download code )
NORD has been pursuing original sound world in the underground since the 1980s. Current NORD is active by the original member Satoshi Katayama with HIroshi Hasegawa (ASTRO) and Shizuo Uchida.This album is a real document album.
"Pleasure by sound wave, Liberation of spirit, meditation and unexpected psychedelia " which Katayama pursues from the beginning is emerged.
Acid spun out from Katayama's brain is amplified by the acoustic device, invades the ear to invite the ecstasy, all four tracks giving a blissful experience.
The live performed in front of the audience and the no audience performances in the studio are also included. This is the finest mantra NORD advocates in 2018, this is the album "Electric Meditation”.
80年代よりアンダーグラウンドで独自の音世界を追求し続けてきたNORD。オリジナルメンバーである片山智を核に、現在は長谷川洋(ASTRO)、そして内田静男と共に活動をしている。今回リリースのアルバムは、結成当初から片山の追求する「音による快楽と精神の解放、そして瞑想と見果てぬ内なるサイケデリア」が現出した、ライブ録音のドキュメントアルバム。片山の脳内から紡ぎ出されるアシッドが、音響装置によって増幅され、耳を蝕み恍惚の境地へと誘う、至福の追体験を与える全4トラック。観客を前にして執り行われたライブと、スタジオでのノーオーディエンスでのパフォーマンスも収録されている。NORDがこの2018年に唱える極上のマントラ、それがこのアルバム” Electric Meditation “だ。

ASTRO《 Tateyama mandara 》
cassette 48 min (with download code )
Legendary Japanese electronics DUO"ASTRO" .They released new album called "Tateyama mandara". They are not stay no longer in genres called NOISE. And they are beginning togo around the aloof world of all vibrations that resonate.
Atypical field recording and distorted sampling sound source wraps the auditory sense of the listener and the body sense by many layers.
"Auditory hallucination music" that dig up a supernatural sensation similar to deja vu from under consciousness.
This new album "Tateyama Mandala" is a new frontier of ASTRO which established a new style to be called a deep psychedelic concrete music.

cassette 35 min
TERROR SHIT is a high / low speed improvisation unit: Kyosuke Terada (guitar / HUH, bum, etc), Shizuo Uchida (Bass / hasegawa-shizuo, Galactic Abyss, etc), Kazehito Seki (Voiz / BNSU, Ameri B.C, etc). Just released their 1st album, “TTHIS ERROR” by Cassette with DL code.
テラダ キョウスケ(guitar : HUH、bum 他)、内田静男(Bass : hasegawa-shizuo、Galactic Abyss、他)、風人(Voiz : BNSU、Ameri B.C他)の三人による高低速インプロビゼーションユニット。1st アルバム“ TTHIS ERROR ” はカセットのみでの発売(ダウンロードコード付き)。

冷泉 Reizen 《サファイア Sapphire》
The moment a guitar is confronted with him.A curtain of sound is being spun and stretched flat.It's shaken so that an aerial particle may be rubbed.Many layers of sound wrap listening person.The sense to make the view which has no cases that the light light which melts saw again surfaced.This album is 5 tracks like short movies in the brain of the profound sound.The layers launch out into the further depth.All tracks are guitar improvisation. unedited recordings.
limited edition 100

Asian noise omnibus
cassette 66 min
Elaborate soundscape memorized in magnetic tape by 4 radical creators. Silence of a critical point, Nympholepsy of vibration which fills air.
ODA takumi(Japan) / Torturing Nurse(China) / Rohco(Japan) / Nguen Hong Giang (Vietnam)
亜細亜発・4人の先鋭ノイズアーティストによるオムニバス《SOUND FOR THE MASSES》をカセットリリース。空を満たす恍惚の振動、轟音の臨界点を覆う静寂、緻密なサウンドスケープが記録された60分超カセット!!
ODA takumi(Japan) / Torturing Nurse(China) / Rohco(Japan) / Nguen Hong Giang (Vietnam)

《 Rare air bootlegs 01 / 110724 》
《 Rare air bootlegs 02 / 120728 》
hasegawa-shizuo is a duo by Hirotomo Hasegawa and Shizuo Uchida. Document cassette recording improvisation performances performed on July 24, 2011 and July 28, 2012.Same track is recorded on both sides.

4th album by MAI MAO (Kyosuke Terada : 6 strings, Shizuo Uchida : 4 strings) that high/low speed curved transition string improvisation duet.
Another mirror reflection album paired with "Ricshari" released on analog LP from French label An'archives.
Includes 4 Ricshari outtracks, with ear brain training sounds that force laziness and discipline to encourage sweet scents and fatty intake.
テラダ キョウスケ (6弦)と内田静男 (4弦)による高低速湾曲転移弦楽即興二重奏デュオ・MAI MAOの4th album " IRAHSCIR - 異羅詩 "。
フランスのレーベルAn'archivesからアナログLPにてリリースされた ” Ricshari - 坴舎利”と対になるもう一つの鏡面反射アルバムで、怠惰と矯正を強いる耳脳内訓練アクースティック音響が甘い香りと脂肪分の摂取を促す、4つのRicshariアウトトラックスを収録。

archeus《 archeus 》
"archeus" is a free improvised group of Keiko Higuchi on vocals, Shizuo Uchida on bass, and TOMO on hurdy gurdy.
Extraordinary trio ensemble of vocal/voice, bass, and hurdy gurdy triggers an unique chemical reaction of various expressions such as sensitive sound within silence, vocalization of a forgotten and nameless language, interplay of discordant masses of sound, the magic of minimal repetition, and dark/dense drones.
They also attempt to improvise with text readings. It is as if the words are given resonance, and appear as a spirit, then seem to melt with the sound.
This is a striking debut work of studio recording with instantaneous performances.
Includes 4 studio improvised tracks. A cassette version (Download code included) with the same content but a different design jacket has also been released.
ヒグチケイコ(vocals)、内田静男(bass)、TOMO(hurdy gurdy)によって結成されたグループ、arcehus(アルケウス)。

Pulse Detonations
《Through Conscious Neural Interference》
“ Pulse Detonations “ is new unit of Hiroshi Hasegawa (ASTRO) and Krister Bergman (Demons That Drove, Positive Adjustments, etc). Pagan magic space formd by "Roar" and "hammer beat" and "dark drone" ! Pulse Detonations that produce the sound of Nirvana that darkness and the dazzling flash intersect!
東京を拠点に国内外で幅広く活動するエレクトロニクスマスター長谷川洋(ASTRO)がスウェーデンでDemons That Drove, Positive Adjustmentsなど多彩な名義で活動をしてきたKrister Bergmanと組んだDuo " Pulse Detonations "の初作がリリース。『咆哮』と『ハンマービート』そして『暗黒ドローン』が織りなす異教的呪術空間。これまでの長谷川のスタイルから、さらに音の内面世界へとダイブするスタイルへと階層を多元化した音へ。Pulse Detonationsの紡ぎだす漆黒の闇とまばゆい閃光が交差する涅槃音響!

GRIM's complete discography !!
GRIM is Japanese legendary industrial noise bands of the 1980's created by Jun Konagaya.GRIM released one 7'EP,one LP,one 12'EP, and some compilation.Sound that not only harsh aggressiveness but also festivity, unknown ethnicity, prayer included.And, include mysterious, melancholic beautiful folk songs!CD reissue by Germany's Drag & Drop label in 1999. But, It's out of stock now.Haang niap's release is complete version includes every release track. It is not same.Include some amazing art works. Supervision by Jun Konagaya.This is an inheritance of surprising sound!!Factory-pressed CD in a gatefold mini-LP style card sleeve.with 12P booklet and OBI.
1980年代、わずか数年の活動で、数少ない音源と数回のライブ記録のみを残し、忽然とその姿を消した異形のユニットGRIM。日本だけでなく、海外にも今だ多くのファンを持つその音は、ノイズ/JUNK、インダストリアルミュージックの手法を軸に持ちながらも、民族音楽やフォルクローレ、そしてシャーマニックな感性を滲み出させた唯一無二の音。本盤ではフィードバックやノイズに包まれたアジテーションヴォイスが吼える7インチシングル《AMATERASU》、LP《FOLK MUSIC》、融け出すような美麗のトラッドフォークが浮遊する12インチ《MESSAGE》、そしてカセットリリースのコンピレーション音源など、GRIMのすべてのリリース音源をリマスタリングし収録。完全保存盤! W紙ジャケ仕様/12Pブックレット/帯付き。

《I know a chord buried into the ground and a tongue on a cloud》
hasegawa -shizuo's 3rd album - previous releases were on PSF and Tiliqua.hasegawa -shizuo is the duo of Hirotomo Hasegawa (Aburadako,Kito-mizukumi rouber)and Shizuo Uchida(Kito-mizukumi rouber, ex Shokubaiya,ex nijium).Central to our sound is Hasegawa's hichiriki (a flute used in gagaku) and Uchida's bass.hasegawa -shizuo's performances are all real-time improvisations with no-overdubbing.It's a live-in-the-studio improvisation.Factory-pressed CD in a gatefold mini-LP style card sleeve.
2005年より活動を続ける長谷川裕倫(篳篥・ウクレレ・etc)と内田静男(Bass・一弦・etc)による、インプロビゼーション主体のユニット。《間》と《ドローン》が混在する現代音楽、ノイズ、民族音楽などを呑み込んだジャンルレスミュージック。演奏のすべては現場で出される音のみを使って構築されている。1st「gene packs」(PSF Records)、2nd「Song of umbilical cord」(Tiliqua Records / LPのみ400枚限定)に続く、3rdフルアルバム。W紙ジャケ仕様/帯付き。